• Black The Art of Giving
  • Black The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

Carl Warner T-Shirts


Wall Preview

Please use this feature to see how the print looks in the space you will hang it. Follow the instructions to move the print backwards to place it on the wall. As this is an early stage technology, we don’t advise using it for scale judgement.

Wall Preview

All profits from the sale of this T-Shirt will go to Save the Children, The Red Cross, Christian Aid, Action Aid and Medecins Sans Frontieres.

The QR code design on the T-Shirt will link back to this page when scanned, so that everyone who buys and wears it will not only be making a donation to charity, but will also become a potential fundraiser, by encouraging others to scan them and join in the Art of Giving.

Scan, Buy, Give, Repeat.